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24H beach ambiances resume in one minute :

Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night. 


In this exercice, my ambiance is composed by 4 BLEND CONTAINER that goes with the 4 main time of the day : Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night. 


Each of these blend are made up with many different BLEND CONTAINER that goes with my different layer used for my ambiance : 

One BLEND for birds (PAD and SFX)

One BLEND for waves

One BLEND for wind.    


In the Games Sync part of Wwise, I have created one Game Parameter RTPC_Env_TimeOf_Day_GP.

On my blend Amb_Beach_General_Summer_SFX and Amb_Beach_General_Summer_Loop (as you can see on the video) I have created a blend track that allows evolving the RTCP curve (RTPC_Env_TimeOf_Day_GP)  according to the 4 main time on the day (Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night).


Rain, Wind and Wave intensity evolution on a beach : small rain, medium rain, strong rain and thunder : 


In this exemple, I’m using 1 play event to play one BLEND CONTAINER  which contain one BLEND for the rain intensity, one BLEND for the wind intensity  and one BLEND for the wave intensity.


Each BLEND own many layers that goes with weather’s intensity. Each BLEND are linked with a Game Parameter (RTPC_Weather_Intensity_GP) that allow playing each layer according to the weather intensity. Between each intensity I'm using a crossfade. 


The Game Parameter (RTPC_Weather_Intensity_GP)  can also control a volume RTPC curve which can modify the birds intensity  in the ambiance according to the weather intensity. For exemple more the rain is intense, less we will hear birds.



Evolution of a  character who's walking on the beach, then he's jumping into the sea and gets out from the sea with a rain intensity when the character is under the water.


I have created a volume RTPC curve and a low pass filter RTPC on a bus named « weather intensity »  which are triggered when the character jump into the water. To activate these RTPC I have created a Set Game Parameter triggered with my event « Jump Into Water ». 


To reset my Set Game Parameter when the character is getting out from the water, I am using a new event : «  Jump Out Water ».


We can hear 3 different footsteps material : footsteps on dry sand, footsteps on water when the character get out from the sea and footsteps on wet sand when the character is walking on the beach under the rain. I am using a switch MC_Foley_FS_Material with different choice of materials : Wet Sand, Dry Sand, Water_Clean.



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